
Desert of the Lençóis


Talking a little about

The Lençóis Maranhenses National Park is a protected area on the northern Atlantic coast of Brazil. It is known for its vast desert landscape of large white sand dunes and seasonal rainwater lagoons. Lagoa Azul and Lagoa Bonita are two of the largest lagoons. The park’s diverse ecosystem includes mangrove swamps. The nearby cities of Barreirinhas and Santo Amaro do Maranhão serve as gateways to the park.




156 584 Hectare


Sub-humid dry

Main attractions

Water Sheets



The Lençóis Maranhenses National Park covers 155,000 hectares, which is equivalent to 1,550 square kilometers. It’s hard to grasp the extent of it all – endless dunes as far as the eye can see. It would be possible to fit the entire city of São Paulo inside the park.

During the rainy season, between January and March, the park can have over 36 thousand lagoons throughout its expanse.

Atins is the small town within the park located by the beach. In recent years, it has become a kitesurfing paradise due to its wind conditions and natural beauty. Many foreigners have purchased properties and settled there. It’s truly a natural paradise for sailing! It’s no wonder that this Saturday, the place will host the second edition of the Red Bull Rally of the Winds!

The water table of the Lençóis is extremely shallow. If you dig 2 to 3 meters deep, you will already find water suitable for drinking. In several villages, the population digs artisanal wells for water consumption.

A significant part of the population living within the park near Santo Amaro is nomadic. They don’t build their houses with bricks, as every two years they are forced to move. This is because with the movement of the dunes, their houses become completely covered by sand. So, their constructions are made of straw so that they can easily move.

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