


Talking a little about

Fortaleza is the capital of the state of Ceará in northeastern Brazil. The city is renowned for its beaches, featuring red cliffs, palm trees, dunes, and lagoons. The city’s folklore traditions come to life in dance performances at Theatro José de Alencar, an art nouveau-style building inaugurated in 1910. Another architectural highlight is the Metropolitan Cathedral, designed in the neo-gothic style.




312.353 km²


Tropical semi-humid

Main attractions

Centro Dragão do Mar of Art and Culture, buggy rides, paragliding, and much more.



It is the fifth largest city in Brazil in terms of population and an important industrial and commercial center for the country. It is also one of the most sought-after Brazilian destinations by both domestic and foreign tourists due to its scenic beauty, with beaches like Iracema and Praia do Futuro, as well as attractions like the Beach Park.

In the realm of culture, Fortaleza boasts writers José de Alencar and Rachel de Queiroz. The latter was the first female member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters and the first recipient of the Camões Prize.

The city is also home to filmmakers such as Zelito Viana (director of films like “Villa-Lobos – Uma Vida de Paixão e Morte” and “Vida Severina”) and Karim Aïnouz (director of acclaimed films including “Madame Satã” and screenwriter for “Cidade Baixa” and “Abril Despedaçado”).

In the culinary scene, the crab enjoyed along Avenida Beira Mar is one of the most famous dishes in the capital of Ceará.

In the realm of music, forró is the most popular genre, but other rhythms also stand out.

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