


Talking a little about

Jericoacoara is a beach located in the municipality of Jijoca de Jericoacoara, in the state of Ceará, Brazil. It is situated 295 km west of the state capital, Fortaleza. In 1994, it was elected by the American newspaper The Washington Post as one of the ten most beautiful beaches on the planet. In 2014, it was ranked the fourth best beach on Earth by the Huffington Post. It is one of the most popular destinations for windsurfers in the country. The beach is an integral part of the Jericoacoara National Park.




8.850 Hectare



Main attractions

Water sports and outdoor activities



That’s right, you didn’t read it wrong! Nothing there is paved, so the tip here is to wear comfortable shoes like flip-flops and sandals, without being afraid to get your feet dirty.

Since the streets are unpaved, only authorized vehicles are allowed to drive there. Others are parked at the village entrance.

It is part of the municipality of Jijoca de Jericoacoara. It gained fame after many artists started frequenting the place and began to be featured in publications and newspapers around the world.

Absolutely! However, there is electricity available. The thing is, the electrical network is all underground, which is why there are no visible poles. But let’s agree, the almost natural lighting gives the place an intimate and romantic atmosphere.

So, be aware of this so you won’t be caught off guard when it comes to paying for a tourist attraction. Credit and debit cards are accepted in almost the entire town, but make sure to have cash on hand as well.

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