
Route of the Vineyards &


Talking a little about

Route of the Vineyards – Located exactly 130 km from the capital of Rio Grande do Sul, the Vale dos Vinhedos is quite the destination for wine lovers. With a European feel, the region is composed of three cities – Bento Gonçalves, Monte Belo do Sul, and Garibaldi – and over 20 wineries. Additionally, it treats visitors to enchanting landscapes marked by mountains and hills. It’s no wonder the Vale dos Vinhedos is also known as the Wine Route and is one of the trademarks of the Serra Gaúcha. In other words, you’ve just gained another reason to fall in love with this part of the Southern Brazil.

Talking a little about

Gramado is a mountain resort town located in the southernmost state of Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul. Influenced by 19th-century German settlers, the city has a Bavarian touch with Alpine chalets, chocolate shops, and craft stores. Gramado is also known for its Christmas light displays and blooming hydrangeas in the spring. The Black Lake offers boat rentals and forest hikes, while the mountains of the Serra Gaúcha have hiking and mountaineering trails.




Rio Grande do Sul



Main attractions

Points of interest, wineries, restaurants, and much more.


Curiosities (Route of the Vineyards)

The Wine Route of Rio Grande do Sul is located in the Serra Gaúcha, a mountainous region in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, known for its favorable climate for grape and wine production. It is one of the main wine regions in Brazil.

The region is known for producing a wide variety of wines, from full-bodied reds to refreshing whites. Red wines like Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon, as well as sparkling wine, are especially popular.

The influence of Italian and German immigrant communities is evident in the architecture, culture, and cuisine of the Wine Route. Many family wineries were founded by descendants of these communities and maintain old winemaking traditions.

The region is famous for its wine-related festivals and events. The “National Wine Festival” in Bento Gonçalves is one of the most well-known, celebrating wine culture with parades, music, and tastings.

The Wine Route is a popular destination for wine tourism, offering guided tours of wineries where visitors can learn about the wine production process, taste local wines, and explore beautiful vineyards.


Curiosities (Gramado)

The exact origin of the city’s name is not known, but the most famous story relates to the “tropeiros” of the Serra Gaúcha. For years, they passed through the city, which had a vast green forested area, and stopped there to rest. Because of its view of an incredible grassy field, the city ended up with this unusual name.

Throughout its history, the city of Gramado was colonized by three different peoples: Germans, Italians, and Portuguese. This mix resulted in a diversity of cultures, traditions, gastronomy, and unique characteristics of the city, known for being very hospitable and welcoming.

Did you know that it’s quite difficult to find traffic lights on the streets of Gramado? That’s right! Contrary to what many might think, drivers perfectly respect traffic laws and stop at pedestrian crossings. Oh, and the best part is that there is no traffic there since everything is well organized and peaceful.

Considered one of the most beautiful postcards of the city, Lago Negro was not always so beautiful. In 1942, the Vale do Bom Retiro region suffered a major fire that lasted about eight days and significantly affected the forest and vegetation in the area. Years later, Leopoldo Rosenfeldt, responsible for the administration of the region, had the idea of opening a fissure in the valley to create an artificial lake. To make the landscape even more similar to European lakes, he planted saplings from the Black Forest in Germany in the area, giving rise to the Lago Negro that we know today.

Located right in the city center, Rua Coberta only allows pedestrian traffic. In this enclosed space with an acrylic roof, many restaurants, cafes, and incredible shops are gathered, and it hosts hundreds of presentations and cultural events throughout the year.

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